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Open Day Will Be Held On 11th June 2024 at 17:30pm


If you know in advance that your child is going to be away from Nursery School (e.g. for an appointment or a holiday) please inform us with a brief note. 

If your child is ill or suddenly cannot come into School for any reason, please telephone or text us and leave a message if necessary.  The Nursery adheres to the guidance from the Health Protection Agency (HPA).  Children with infectious diseases such as chicken pox, mumps or measles must stay at home until they are completely recovered.  The Nursery reserves the right to request confirmation of this from a doctor.

If children are taking medication under prescription, please keep them at home for 48 hours after these have been prescribed.  Exceptions can be made occasionally, for example asthma, or eczema.  Staff may only administer medicine prescribed by a doctor and which is clearly labelled with instructions and the child's name.  Parents will be asked to complete a consent slip and a written record of each dose will be kept.

If your child has been unwell with vomiting, diarrhoea or a temperature, please keep them at home until they have clear of all symptoms for 48 hours – even if they ask to come to School!  This is in line with the guidance in HPA’s The Management of Communicable Diseases in Nurseries, Nurseries & Other Childcare Settings, a copy of which is kept at the Nursery.
