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Open Day Will Be Held On 11th June 2024 at 17:30pm
News Archive 2015






Top Tips - 100 Acts of Kindness to do with your child

We love it when we see children spontaneously helping each other at school. Whether they help a friend clear up a spillage or tuck a chair in that their friend has forgotten, it means that they are demonstrating the value they place on their community and social environment. We therefore found this list detailing 100 acts of kindness to do with your child really appealing.



Opinion - The many benefits of household chores for children

According to research done by Marty Rossmann, Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota, “Giving children household chores at an early age helps to build a lasting sense of mastery, responsibility and self-reliance.” As Montessorians, this is the kind of research we like to read about!



Opinion - The importance of movement and touch in Montessori learning

In a Montessori nursery or school classroom, a great deal of emphasis is put on hands-on, concrete learning materials. The object is to develop the concept first and create a deep understanding to help the child to move to more abstract work when he or she is ready.



Opinion - Can too many toys stifle children's creativity?

What do you think about a nursery taking away all the toys, activities, pens, paper etc. for three months of the year? Is it realistic to leave the children with just tables, chairs and a few blankets to play with? This is exactly what a project in Munich encourages schools to do.



Classroom update - Care of the Environment

Last week one of our not yet three year old girls opted to work with a puzzle and whilst doing so, accidentally knocked a flower vase onto the floor.  Being engrossed in the activity she forgot all about it until some 30 minutes later, after she had moved onto a completely new activity of washing snack plates and glasses with a friend.



Top Tips - Creating a Montessori Environment at Home

The thought of trying to achieve a Montessori environment for your child at home may seem daunting, but really, it shouldn’t be. By adapting just a few home elements to mirror the kind of environment your child experiences at school will really help to cement their learning.



Classroom update - The continual appeal of practical life activities

A few days ago we witnessed two of our four year old boys spend over an hour cleaning in the garden. They started with the patio doors, moved on to the climbing equipment and proceeded to wash and dry everything 'cleanable' in the garden.



Opinion - Praise and Rewards in a Montessori Classroom

You won’t find any stickers or reward charts in our Montessori classroom in Hampstead. In fact, they don’t feature in any Montessori school or nursery.


