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Open Day Will Be Held On 11th June 2024 at 17:30pm
Communication With Parents


As education is very much a partnership between the nursery and parents, communication with parents is vital to the child's development and well-being.  We very much hope that parents will feel they can contact us at any time with either curiosity or concerns.   We hope to have a number of  opportunities for contact after designated morning sessions as well as at least 2 to 3 scheduled  parent/teacher meetings during the academic year.  There will also be a number of parent information weekends to explain how the work at the nursery is supporting the children’s development.

A weekly e-mail is sent to all parents to explain any themes, planned activities and further information on feedback on the Montessori approach and materials.

Please inform us if there is any change to address, work and home telephone numbers or e-mail addresses.

It helps us to best support your child if you could inform us of any changes or events at home such as a new sibling, moving house, a nanny leaving, acquisition or loss of a pet etc.  Similarly it would also be useful to know if your child has had a particularly late night, has woken unusually early or has not eaten adequately.

The Manager, will be dismissing the children on most days and will be able to give feedback on your child's day.  Please do feel free to ask any questions or for further information. 

