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Open Day Will Be Held On 11th June 2024 at 17:30pm



Infant Community (Toddler Programme)

The main areas of the curriculum for children who are walking to age 3:
The Infant Community programme is designed for children from 16 months to up to 3 years, and gives the opportunity for very young children to develop in a number of key areas.
The classroom is designed with them in mind. Everything is child-sized, from the tables and chairs to the shelves, vases, plates, utensils, and even the toilets. In this environment, toddlers explore the world together, learning much more together than any of them could learn alone.
The Infant Community Programme offers an environment rich in opportunities for physical, sensorial, intellectual, and social learning. Children spend their days learning new words, new skills in physical coordination, and new sights and smells by cutting up fruits or vegetables. Social skills are another area of challenge and growth. Children celebrate classmates' birthdays and other special occasions, learn each others' names and families, care for classroom pets and plants, and develop important skills of empathy and being part of a group.


Care of Self:

Involves undressing, dressing, storing clothing, hand washing, wiping nose, cleaning shoes, and isolated fasteners on dressing frames:  velcro, zipper, large button, snaps and buckles.


Grace and Courtesy:

Handled in the moment of real life situations such as:

“May I please have __________”
“Thank you”  or “Excuse me” 
“This is my work.”


Care of Environment:

Involves wiping a table, washing a table, dusting, sweeping, mopping, cleaning glass, polishing a mirror, polishing wood, watering plants, washing leaves, flower arranging, washing and hanging cloths, germinating seeds, gardening, and raking leaves.


Movement of Objects:

Such as carrying, unrolling and rolling a mat, moving tables and chairs.



Children are directly involved in preparing food, setting the table, serving food, clean up – washing and drying dishes.













Painting, drawing, gluing and cutting.


Gross Motor Development:

Outdoor and indoor play involving climbing, sliding, balancing and vestibular balance exercises.