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Open Day Will Be Held On 11th June 2024 at 17:30pm


Nido Montessori has no uniform or dress code, but to encourage independence it is helpful if the clothes are easy for your child to remove. As there will be art activities it is also advisable children not wear clothes which are highly cherished.

Please could you provide a pair of rubber soled slippers for your child to change into at School.

A spare change of clothes must be provided in case of any accidents.  There will be spare clothes at nursery for emergencies, but children will often prefer to wear their own clothes.  As the children often like to help each other if would be very useful if these were named.

There is a lockable cloakroom area where each child has their designated peg and place to keep shoes.  Nursery slippers are kept here overnight.  A bag is provided by us for the children to store a change of clothing.  We are always prepared for accidents, which we deal with in a very practical and non-judgmental way.  If a child does have an accident, all items are put into a nappy sack and returned at the end of the session.
